Shopping Online vs. In-Store

Everybody loves shopping!  Shopping is made simple nowadays with apps that you can shop from on your phone, tablet or website online. You hardly need to go in to the store anymore.  But still, there are malls and retail stores all over.  So, what’s the real difference between online shopping and in-store?

When you shop in-store, you can see the clothes you want to buy.  You can try them on, see how the clothes look on you, the color, the material, the actual sensation.  You can try on different sizes or colors of the same item, and then decide on an entirely different piece of clothing.  When you enter in a store, you are usually greeted immediately by a friendly, smiling employee.  If you need help finding something, they are usually right there to help you.  Furthermore, when shopping in-store, you don’t have to wait for the item to be shipped to you—you can take that item home with you right there and then. 

shopping store

However, online shopping is very different, but can be more convenient for some people.  You can shop online at all hours of the day, not just when the store is open.  You can compare item prices from other stores, save items to a wish list, and see recommended items that you might not easily find in a store without walking around for hours.  Shopping online is also preferable sometimes because products aren’t usually out of stock.  While a store might have run out of a product, you can find that item online and have that sent to you. Especially nowadays where the deliver times have been reduced to just a few days. 

So, while both shopping online and in-store have their perks, any gift card that you have will work at both places!  If you prefer to try your clothes on in-store or buy them online at any hour of the day, you can always use your gift card either way!

shopping-kohls store